
Meet a Site Coordinator: Burrville Elementary School

Communities In Schools of the Nation’s Capital recently expanded to Burrville Elementary School in Ward 7! Site coordinator Asyja Smith will work with the students, families, and staff of Burrville to ensure students have everything they need to succeed inside and outside of school.

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Partner Highlight: Georgetown Black Law Students Association


During the month of February, the Black Law Students Association at Georgetown University held a book drive for Sousa Middle School.  Thanks to generosity of all of those who participated in the drive, over 100 books were delivered to Sousa!

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Partner Highlight: Nike at Ivy City

Because of partners like the team at Nike at Ivy City, we are able to surround students with a community of support. Nike at Ivy City has been partners with CIS of the Nation’s Capital for almost two years. They have participated in some of our in-kind drives and volunteered at various school events. We love their team spirit and their willingness to serve the community around them. Thank you Nike at Ivy City for being one of our valued partners!

CIS and K-12 Coders Bring Entrepreneurship into the Classroom


Photo by Fabiola Ramirez


If you walked into Eastern High School this winter you might have encountered students engaged in a different kind of learning. As part of a new program brought into Eastern by Communities In Schools of the Nation’s Capital, students spent two months in a crash course designed to teach tangible skills ranging from computer programming to t-shirt design.

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Angelo – Mosaic Project


Communities In Schools Mosaic Project

To reach, connect, and engage diverse communities across the nation, Communities In Schools is using the medium of mosaic art to illustrate the vital role we all play in seeing the story within every student. Each mosaic portrait is assembled with elements from students’ lives that represent who they are as individuals as well as the Communities In Schools services that helped them succeed.

– Communities In Schools

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