Angelo – Mosaic Project


Communities In Schools Mosaic Project

To reach, connect, and engage diverse communities across the nation, Communities In Schools is using the medium of mosaic art to illustrate the vital role we all play in seeing the story within every student. Each mosaic portrait is assembled with elements from students’ lives that represent who they are as individuals as well as the Communities In Schools services that helped them succeed.

– Communities In Schools

Communities In Schools recently unveiled a project in which artist Jason Mercier created mosaic art pieces highlighting six CIS students and the things that make them who they are.

Much to our delight, CIS of the Nation’s Capital’s own Angelo was one of the students chosen! Follow the link to see the project, or continue reading to get to know Angelo through some behind-the-scenes photos.

Meet Angelo

Born and raised in Washington, DC, Angelo is a proud DCPS student.

He works closely with his Communities In Schools site coordinator, Diogenin Matos. Whenever Angelo faces struggle or hardship, they work together to overcome it. Mr. Matos makes sure that Angelo and his siblings always have access to the resources they need.

Basketball is one of Angelo’s passions. He has been playing the sport for three years, and he hopes that with enough practice he may one day be able to play in the NBA.

If a career in the NBA doesn’t pan out, Angelo hopes to become a mechanical engineer. He likes to work with his hands and classes in the TransStem Academy give him ample opportunity to prepare for a STEM education.
Angelo poses with Cheryl Rodgers, Director of the TransSTEM Academy
An Aviation Lab is another resource available to students at his school interested in the STEM field

Make sure to follow the above link to see Angelo’s Mosaic Portrait and to see what CIS students around the country are made of.